Saturday, June 15, 2013

Worries. Day 99

I ain't got no worries cause I ain't in no hurry- Black Water-Tom Johnston(Doobie Brothers)

He's got a good point, we all need to SLOW DOWN and take life a bit more easy. More than that we ALL need to stop worrying so much because worrying does NOTHING. Well no that’s wrong it does something, it stresses us out. No one likes being stressed out but EVERYONE likes worrying. . .it doesn’t make sense. Worrying does nothing positive, we don’t figure things out when we worry, we usually jump to conclusions and get things wrong when we do. I HAVE CANCER. . .AGAIN!!! I could worry ALL day about this, about what’s gonna happen next, am I gonna live am I gonna die, do the Doctors have it right, how's the Chemo going to affect me, will it come back again, will I be disabled, will it change me, will I let it change me, will I have a choice, WILL I DIE!?! I’ve got plenty of reasons to worry.

BUT I DON’T because it’s not gonna help anything. There is no logical reason for me to worry, what’s out of my hands is out of my hands and what I can control I’ll do my best with. NO reason to worry because I have faith that my best will be good enough. “But what about worrying if your best is good enough” NO because worrying about it doesn’t change anything, if my best isn’t good enough then I’ll arrive at the same result either way. Nothing I can do about it except TRY and I’ll be damned if I don’t try my hardest. It’s like the scene in Dazed and Confused where they’re on the football field and Randal is worried about his senior year and what will come after. He’s completely stressed out and over thinking the situation when Dawson breaks in and sums it up “Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did I the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place... Dogged as many girls as I could while I was stuck in this place.” AND THIS sums up how our attitudes should be about life. We should stay positive, do our best at anything we attempt, and HAVE SOME FUN while we’re at it.

We all think to hard about life, we are all so concerned about making a living for ourselves, making money, having a family, raising good kids, having a good career, being healthy. All of these things are important but we can’t let them control our lives. Because we could live to the end of the week or the end of the century either way we, as human beings, need to have some fun along the way. We need to stop stressing about these things and just do our best and see how things turn out. If they turn out bad then we learn from it and try harder or try something different. We need to stop putting our lives on a schedule “I have to graduate by 30, I have to have a family by 40, and retired by 50.”  It’s good to set goals but it’s not good to let these goals run our lives into the ground. We have to have a good time while achieving these goals. We need to work on and focus on the goals but we can’t let them ruin our lives.

Because there are some things we don’t have control over, sometimes there is nothing we can do to achieve these goals. It’s not that we’re not good enough, or we set the goals too high, it’s that we can’t control everything. Things happen, your spouse may spontaneously realize he/she’s not happy, your company might go bankrupt, you might realize you’d prefer to be an electrician instead of a plumber, people get sick, and people die. There are things that are out of our hands and everyone should realize this. But instead we beat ourselves to death with worry, while trying to achieve an impossible perfection. We need to learn to go with the flow and just keep trying our hardest while we’re here.It's never too late, who cares if you realize what you want to do late and only spend the last ten years of your life doing it. At least you got to do it. Yes it was late in the game, but when the games over it won't matter.

We are ALL amazing people, we all have potential for greatness, and we all have the potential to change the world for the better, we just need to get out there and do it. Take Adolf Hitler for example: Imagine if he had used all that amazing charisma to pursue global peace instead of domination. He could have been one of the greatest leaders in history, instead he is viewed as quite possibly the worst. He had the potential, he just used it for the wrong pursuit. We all have potential of some sort to do amazing things. Whether it’s invent the wheel, the computer, the train, the airplane, or just put a smile on an old woman’s face before she passes. We all have potential. We need to realize this and start achieving something with it. You may not realize what your potential is immediately, but some day you will, and from that day on you can choose to either worry about living up to that potential, or get to work on living up to it. I vote the later.Don't follow your dreams, CHASE THEM DOWN!

Every day is, another day. You must start off where you left off the day before, but it’s up to you too decide where you will start off tomorrow. “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid”- Albert Einstein. SO get out there, find  your potential ++SMILE++ and LOVE EVERYONE

1 comment:

  1. I love this, you are right about the worrying part. It does no good to worry about things, and boy have I done that a lot lately! I'm loving this blog John, it's helping me with things that are going on in my life right now. I'm so glad you are writing this and sharing it with people! Love ya!
