Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 12, 2013 :D Day 96 of ROUND TWO

SO. . .I've decided everyone else has a blog so it's about damn time I make one too :D

This will be a nice place to talk about my journey this time through and maybe inspire people dealing with their own struggles.

To get readers up to date in September 2009 I was diagnosed with brain cancer(A Mixed Olgio Astrocytoma to be exact, whatever that means, those words aren't even in Firefox's "vast" dictionary, conspiracy? ;) YAY cancer at the age of 22, can it get any better? SO I went through 2 surgeries, MANY parties thanks too friends, Radiation (as if I hadn't had enough x-rays prior) and chemo and in September of 2010 I was in REMISSION!!! YAY!!! So I started college, spent 3 semesters doing Radio Broadcasting, before deciding working with the homeless was my true calling and switching to a social work major. From there I had to drop out of school in spring semester 2012 due to memory side effects from the Radiation. Ahh cancer. . .the gift that keeps on giving was my thought at the time. . .but apparently Cancer decided to take that claim QUITE seriously.

Then early this year, while dealing with other medical issues, I had my first seizure since 2010, MUCH to my surprise. A month later I went back to my oncologist to find out the results of my most recent MRI. BUT sadly I couldn't get the results, instead what I got was more like an answer from an operator when you're asking for info they're not allowed to give. These weren't the exact words used but they're close :D "I cannot confirm or deny that you are in remission right now." So. . .then what does that mean??? Well it meant another MRI and a return visit to the neurosurgeon who removed the tumor. So about a month later my Father drove ALL the way from Pennsylvania to take me to the Dr. GOD BLESS HIM. So we went to the Dr. and had another M.R.I. done and as I suspected the Dr. said those words no CANCER patient ever wants/deserves to hear "You're not in remission, the tumor is regrowing." Sometimes I hate it when I'm right :D but not often :D

So here I am, now 26 and once again a cancer patient, yippee just when my life was starting to get boring. So on May 10th of 2013 I went back in for another surgery to remove the tumor, again. I am currently in limbo, waiting on the results of a tumor board before starting chemo, though no radiation this time so there is no further risk to my memory.

This is my life, and I'm going to live it like a boss, cancer or not. I'm currently LIVIN with my "surrogate" Mother, who took me in the first time I battled cancer because my parents were unable. Now she has moved me back in because once again I "Need the care of a MOTHER" while dealing with this. Her daughter Rachel and son Luke also live here and are constant reminders of why I fight to live. I also have an AMAZING girlfriend now who has been incredibly supportive and continues to remind me how blessed I am. I'M ALIVE, I HAVE FRIENDS, I HAVE FAMILY, There's a roof over my head, and food on the table, chocolate in some of the drawers too :D I'm lucky.

We all have our own kinds of good luck, some easier to see than others, but it's there. SO ++SMILE++ and LOVE EVERYONE.

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