Thursday, June 20, 2013

People come and people go Day 104

It's never easy watching anyone leave your life, because if they were there HOPEFULLY you have at least some fond memories with them. It sucks, things change and that's just the way of life. We can either sit around and wallow in our own misery or we can get up and pay tribute to that person by living our lives even better than before. Either make them jealous and regret leaving or MAKE THEM PROUD.

This works in either situation by the way, whether talking about someone who just past away, an old friend who you've grown apart from, or a girlfriend who you've broken up with. Life continues whether you like it or not and you just gotta keep going with it. If you don't you end up miserable.

You have to consider what's best for you and also what they would have wanted when they were there, which should be WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU. Which means if they were what's best for you, you fight for it. If not or if having them back isn't an option you just gotta keep moving. Surround yourself with friends and family, people who care about you and want to see you HAPPY.

The people you surround yourself with should want to be in your life, should want to share moments and memories with you. Too many of us surround ourselves instead with people who want to shape and mold our experiences to their own liking. They want us to live our lives the way they want us too and care little about our own motivations and passions. They want us to change who we are to fit their picture perfect world instead of letting us change the world to fit our standards.

Now I'm sorry if I sound like a conspiracy theorist but I look at the world today and it drives me crazy. The shows on now adays and the music are all so negative and ALMOST nothing seems to talk about hope, LOVE, or general morals. Like treating others as you want to be treated.

When I was growing up one of my favorite shows was: Boy Meets World, a show about a kid my age who was taught to do the right thing, follow his heart, work hard for his future, trust in his friends and NEVER give up on LOVE. It featured a good family that was ALWAYS there to offer the advice or laughs that were needed to anyone who walked through their door whether well known or complete stranger. They lived next to a WISE old man who was ALWAYS willing to offer good advise to his neighbors no matter how RIDICULOUS the problem was. It was never too funny and never too serious. This show taught me to treat women with respect, you can never be too "cheesy", and too listen to my Elders. (They've lived MUCH longer than myself and their advise might save me from repeating their experiences.) It taught me ALOT of good lessons.

Also there were shows like Home Improvement, in  which Tim, in just about every show, dug himself into a DEEP whole with Jill. But at by the end of the show he ALWAYS realized his wrong and did everything he could to make it up to her. Now adays we have shows that are funny. . .and that's just about it. Which is good in a way, we all need to laugh more. . .but I think we also need that old example. Shows like 7th Heaven, Touched by an Angel, and Roseanne which all share positive messages are replaced by reality TV which says you have to be the best cause if you ain't first your last.

I mean we need to focus on our own lives more and the lives of the contestants on The Bachelor, American Idol, and Survivor alot less. I don't mean stop watching the shows because although I'm not a fan I understand why people are. It's interesting watching people no different than yourself doing things, trying to achieve greatness and living their lives. But remember these people are NO DIFFERENT THAN YOU so why not get out there and achieve your own greatness? What we need to Stop doing is following these celebrities, cause it may seem crazy but they're just like you too. They just have money and a well known face. Yet for some reason we're up their butts like they're trying to cure cancer or running our nation. We know more about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie than we do the people we elect into office. We know what they ate, we have multiple shows and even channels dedicated to them. Sure we have a channel dedicated to Congress too. . .BUT no one watches C-Span. We prefer watching crazy out of control kids on MTV and obnoxious rich people on E! to watching what's going on in our country, the things that actually effect our lives.

Now I admit our GOV is INCREDIBLY boring but they make decisions that affect our lives. . .shouldn't we care more about that than what Kim and Kanye are naming their kid? I think so, yet then again most people don't vote so. . .

But I'm sorry I've gotten so TERRIBLY off track here, my point is we all lose people, and sometimes there is NOTHING we can do to change that. I just broke up with my girlfriend, the woman who was there with me while my wishes were granted by two organizations. Who sat with me for two days in the hospital after they removed the tumor. Who ALL my friends liked and I might have fallen in love with. I didn't want to break up with her, but I put alot of stress on her already stressful life. She was attacked at work for dating me and might catch crap for breaking up with me. Her friends and family thought the 2 days a week we spent together after she got out of school meant I was too attached and that was a problem. And I pushed to hard, telling her I thought she is an AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED, and funny woman. She was an Angel in my opinion, quite possibly sent to keep me company through life, though apparently just for a moment. I'll miss being with her, but I'll cherish the memories we made together.

My point is we don't have(and shouldn't want) total control over the people who come and go from our lives, we barely have control over the ones who stay. All we can do is cherish the time we spend with people and make the best of every moment we spend together. There will always be arguments, no two people are exactly alike. But we can move past these things, or at least try. Find good people and accept their flaws WE ALL HAVE THEM. Find the people with flaws worth accepting. Live your life and fill it with good people. People who support you, your dreams, your ambitions, the things you love and the ideas you respect. To do this ALL you have to do is live a positive life, LIVE A LIFE PEOPLE WANT TO BE A PART OF. ++SMILE++ often and always LOVE EVERYONE.

P.S. Thanks for reading my slightly drunken post. . .Can't help it, it was hockey night, I have cancer, and there was a 6 pack of beer and a LIFE to LIVE to it's fullest :D GOOD NIGHT!!!

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