Thursday, July 4, 2013

48 Weeks

I'm really still trying to wrap my head around this chemo plan, I mean this is a REALLY long time. . .and my life has kinda been pushed back ALOT already. I hate to admit it but I'm kinda behind, and I really need to finish school, not to mention get things going with HoltsHome. But instead I get to do chemo, again, and this time for a year. I mean yeah I can still graduate by 30. . .but I'd rather have a family by 30. It's just kinda stressing me out. . .I mean yeah I get to sit around at home and do NOTHING but that's not what I wanna do. I want to make a difference, and impact, HAVE AN EFFECT not just sit at home dreaming and taking small steps, I want leaps and bounds.

But I'll get used to it, I won't be able to sign up for classes this semester, but I'll be damned if I'm not back in next semester. I miss the social life to say the least, but more than that I miss the credited learning. I mean yeah I can learn anything I want to on the internet. But you can't walk into a job and say "Oh I learned psychology on you tube, it doesn't matter. You need credited education to make it in the world, and cancer is making that kinda hard.

But it's alright, just means I'll have to work harder. . .and hey at least I have PLENTY of time.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you can take up working your way through the game of thrones novel...I can loan em to you. Plus we can eat baby food together when you have icky tummy days. Love you HOLT!!!!!
