Friday, January 31, 2014


Labels are a terrible thing, they're used to classify judge and separate people into separate categories, which is rather sad. Everything from Goth, Thug, Prep, White, Black, Mexican, Asian, American, European, Rich, and Poor. These terms are all used to separate us from each other, "the Goths can't hang out with Preps in high school" or worse, "The rich shouldn't be seen with the poor." These are all ridiculous idea's based on irrational fears of less popularity and less wealth. But what's worse is now we label ourselves, we get into high school, college, a new job, or a new group. The first decision we are faced with when making a change like this is, how we want others to see us. So we start changing ourselves to be what we think other people will accept, we give up our own style and taste to fit into a predetermined classification. 

I find it so sad that we do this, we all do this, we give up ourselves a piece at a time until we’re someone else, just to fit in and avoid discrimination. We hide from who we really are, instead of standing up for our right to enjoy anything. Because that's, in my opinion, the worst part of it, we give up things we may love, just to fit into a classification made up by someone we don't even know. For instance, what if you're a "thug" you can't fall in love with Bach or Mozart, because someone you've never met decided that they're not cool. Just like a Goth who LOVES death metal would be made fun of for listening to R Kelly or Kelly Clarkson. So what if you like it, listen to it. One of my favorite movie lines is from the movie "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" where Nick says "I don't subscribe to any labels." It's a brilliant idea, he's his own person, he doesn't want to be anything but himself, he doesn't want to limit the music, art, or people he can love because of a silly label.

The Label I dislike the most is the label "Manly" because I get called unmanly quite often for the most ridiculous reasons. What's more ridiculous is that this one word is supposed to describe about half the population of the entire world but to assume that half of the world all fit this description is crazy. Or to think that if you like Kelly Clarkson (I admit I am a fan) that makes you less of a man. I have been told I am not manly because I like Kelly Clarkson, Chick Flicks, dancing, being completely goofy, sometimes crazy, not being aggressive, walking away from fights, and crying from time to time when it's appropriate or needed. These traits apparently make me less of a man. . .in that case, I don't want to be "manly." Which I don't, I want to be ME, The One and Only: John Holt Yo!!! I want to enjoy life and everything it has to offer.

So why limit the things we can enjoy by "Subscribing" to these labels, why not create our own label, called AWESOME, where the only qualification is simply being yourself. If you love something, THAT'S COOL, as long as it's not causing anyone physical or emotional damage, go for it. I won't judge you. Just because you like the Spice Girls, doesn't mean you can't enjoy woodcarving, hunting, or providing for a family. You can be a Man and still be yourself, in fact I think that being true to yourself, is a TRUE sign of manliness. Because a real man doesn't let someone else tell him what or who he can or can't love or enjoy. But somewhere through the years this truth has been lost, and you'd think after slavery and segregation we'd learn that separating ourselves into groups isn't right.

When you decided you want to be in a group, or you label yourself, you give up SO much. I don't want that, I want to experience ALL the world has to offer in my short time on earth. I don't think there's anything wrong with that OR blaring Since You've Been Gone when driving down the highway singing along, sometimes doing goofy but appropriate arm movements, and ignoring the other cars who see this dramatic display of musical perfection and dancing awesomeness. Because it's FUN, so much fun, yeah other people might see me and think I'm crazy, but who cares what other people think, I'll likely never see them again anyway and I’m happy while I’m doing it, I’m having legitimate and childish fun. Something I think we should all enjoy more often, because there is a time for seriousness and a time for goofiness.

Because in the end, the only label I'll accept is "Human" or “AWESOME” because that's what we are. We are all born human beings, and that's the BEAUTIFUL truth of life. We're not black, Asian, American, or goth. We're Human, and there is no reason any one of us should limit the things we can be passionate about because of someone else's opinion of what we should love or dislike. We are all different and the same at the same time. We all have the same parts, but different experiences which define who we are and what we love. We should follow our own path, not follow someone else down theirs. For instance some people are going to hate everything I've said so far, while others will embrace it. That's the beautiful think about this country and this world, we have the freedom to make our own decisions and no one can take that from us. They may limit our choices, but they cannot take away our ability to choose without us choosing to let them.

So break free from your label, give something new a chance. Try a new food, movie, or genre. Who knows, it might change your life, you might find a new passion, you might even fall in love. Be you and no one else, find yourself and embrace that person. I promise you will find people that love that person, and you'll find people who share your opinions not just your style. They'll love you for who YOU ARE, not just your taste in music or movies. The most beautiful thing you can be is you, and I promise YOU are beautiful. So find yourself, embrace yourself, and BE yourself. Because no one can be more you than yourself.

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